Tricare Info states it approves WLS
For those of you who have Tricare, I received news today from Federal TImes that Tricare will now pay for WLS. It listed lapband, gastric bypass etc. Not sure about the plastic surgery but this is a big jump for those on Tricare. Thought I would pass on this information.
Also, those of you that are fighting insurance companies, call your Insurance Commissioner in the State Capital and talk to them about your predicament. Insurances are accountable to the Insurance Commissioner and don't like to get the phone calls or letters from their office. I was even advised that your file will be labeled,...,.this person calls the Insurance Commissioner so help them in any way you can.
I have been to plenty of workshops for providers of mental health and heard the above, which I have helped my clients get coverage for sessions they couldn't get their insurance companies to pay.
This is a thought if you need the extra help.
Tricare has been approving surgeries for many years now. BUT they added the lapband as a option recently. Also if you live near a base they will no longer send you off the base to a civilan hospital to have the surgery. I was lucky enough to get referred off base before they started their baratric program here at Ft Campbell.
Plastics are approved as well.