Good Morning
Hey! I am sorry you are going through a rough time right now. Just hang in there and try to stay strong. Everything happens for a reason and your time is coming. Just trust that. I really wish you all the best in everything you do. We are all here for you so I hope you use us more often. We are getting together for dinner Saturday at Olive Garden in Mt. Juliet at 7 if you want to stop by. It may be something to just get out and have a good time for the night and not worry about anything. You have a good day too!
159 (current/post-pregnancy)
150 (Goal)
Thanks everyone! I have an interview at a law office tomorrow after work. I am not sure it will have insurance for WLS but I am pretty sure that it will be a bit more professional environment. I think this will help with my mood in general but if I can at least have some insurance I am sure i can get at least a little bit of help. I am actually excited about going back to law. Yay! Please, please pray for me.... if I can make a little more too I can maybe find a way to get in some swimming classes.