I would LOVE to lose __x__ number of pounds by Valentine's Day (new mini-goal)
Ok, Sweet-Hearts ~
Using your weigh-in from today, where do you want to be on Valentine's Day? (That's about 3 1/2 weeks away.)
I'll go first. I am at 167 and want to be at 159 by
's Day. I really want to crack the 150's...
Again, I will keep track, remind you to weigh in that morning, and then post the collective results.
For Susan, Melinda, Paula and others that are maintaining, what goals do you have over the next 3.5 weeks?
~ Tara

My weight was 118 today. I would like to just stay right there. I need to exercise more. So I guess my goal is to spend 3 days a week doing some type of exercise, whether at home or in the fitness center on the treadmill... I Have been doing some with weights at home, and the big ball...
I'm not sure what other goals I have...