Part time job!
Well, I interviewed for a part time job at Home Depot today. After interviewing with the first person, I was told I was "over qualified". Doesn't that sound like the kiss of death! I was worried because of some upcoming events that are taking place.
First of all, I did not want to work on weekends, for several reasons. First and foremost, I have really got used to spending time with my family and friends on the weekend. Secondly, I have just started back in the choir at church and I really did not want to give that up either. Especially since our Minister of Music was let go yesterday and they were looking at a couple of us to take over in the interim. At the time I could not commit because of this job interview.
Well our God is awesome and he really knows what we need. I got the job at Home Depot. They were looking at someone to work pulling orders from 4 a.m. to 8 a.m. Monday through Friday! So, I get my time on the weekends and I am also going to help out with leading of the music on Sunday mornings!!!!
What a way to start out the day!
Scott ~
Oh, that is just so cool! don't you just love to watch God work?! He knows our needs and our wants... you NEEDED a part-time job, but wanted to keep church/choir and your family time a priority! He has definitely blessed you and your family! Congratulations!
I, too, just got back into our church choir after being out of it for over 5 years! Yesterday was my first Sunday back - I loved it! Just one more BIG plus and answered prayer through my surgery. Before, I couldn't stand that long, and I couldn't breathe deep enough!
~ Tara