Updating protein packet.. need your suggestions
Ok, I am alphabetizing all helpful websites for wls patients... please list all that you get recipes from... I would like to add them.
I hope that this list will help anyone who comes later... scott will put it on his website, and everyone can hand them out to anyone they want...
We have a long list of oldies but goodies, and some new ones that we recently added because YOU folks have told US oldtimers about them! thanks!
Together... we will win!
HELLO! Are ya'll out there? whwwww whwww (blowing into my microphone)
Is this thing working??!!
It says 18 people have viewed the post... while only one person ME have actually responded!
You can also add your favorite recipe for protein drinks...
or email me with a protein product that you don't know or think would be on my list...
I added a product like Fuze Slenderize that's good for us... if you know of anything that would help a new postop, feel free to send it to me or post it here... I am getting it ready...
I am also adding the recipe for the magic lotion for scars......
Come on folks!

159 (current/post-pregnancy)
150 (Goal)