Rob's Surgery is Monday Morning!
Thanks for the support and messages everyone! Totally means a ton to me. Nervous??? Mee??? naah.... well a little.. But, I had a really great day. I went to church, have well wishes and prayers going there, and I made my peace with God, and prayed for a safe surgery and to let him know that I know I'm in HIS hands and praise him for all he has blessed me with. Surprisingly enough, I haven't eaten since Friday evening, and I don't really feel hungry. Hope thats a great sign. I hit the protein shakes hard Saturday, knowing that i'm on clear liquids all day today. I'm even maxxing out as much as I can on clear liquids, knowing I'll probably not get any liquids all day tomorrow.
Yes.. I'm ready, excited and ready to become a loser!
My special thanks goes out to my WONDERFUL angel, Freddie!
Thank you so much for the Call Saturday and the pep talk and all that. It was wonderful to finally get to chat with you. Thank you for keeping the others informed.
Also, since 2 others in here will be sharing surgery with me, Good luck to you also! Ill have 2 sisters with my New birthday!
Take care all and I will catch you all when I get home. Being the computer Geek I am, I will most likely be on as soon as i'm able.. LOL
Bless you all,