Ot: Anyone from Shelbyville or Wheel, Tn?
Actually the closest I've ever come to living in Tn was when I met my hubby, he's from Trenton Ky and thats not too far. One of my best friends (almost 9 years ago) lives in Wheel. I hadn't talked to him for ages and hubby and I ran into him the other night. I got to thinking about how I'd been a member of OH since Sept 04 and really don't know alot of ppl on here. Seeing him made me wonder if I had any OH friends from down that way also. I hear its pretty country down there. He says he lives in the boonies lol. Thats exactly what I like. I from out in the boonies myself, Eastview Ky, but hubby and I moved to town in 04. We live 8 miles from city limits so we're sort of out in the country. I love it, its so peaceful. We see deer all the time. Coyotes yip at us at nights sometimes. We sit out on the porch and listen to them. We saw a wolf cross the road in front of us coming home the other night. Adam, my DH, nearly freaked. He was so excited. In Eastview growing up, they let a pack of wolves loose. Long as they stay in the woods and leave me alone I think they're pretty. It's nice to meet a new friend on here and hope to hear from u again soon. My email is [email protected] and my messenger is [email protected] and I have aim messenger [email protected] holler at me anytime. My friends name is John Caldwell. He's a sweet guy. Its been almost 9 yrs since I saw him. Its always good to hear from old friends.
Talk to u soon