OK, It's happened!
Everytime I see someone post about changing clothes size, I'm happy for that person. But deep down, I wonder will this ever happen to me? Will I ever see regular men's sizes?
So, This morning, we went shopping at Wally World in Hermatige. I knew my 50 inch waist pants were getting a little baggy, but they still felt good to me. Just to be on the safe side, I bought 2 pair of 46 inch waist jeans. They were on sale for $8 bucks a piece. Well when we got home, I tried them on. Guess what?
Next payday I will be buying 44 or 42's! Life is good!
Have a great day!
Oh my word! that is wonderful! Kudos to you (sf ones, that is!) That is really amazing and I know how it just pumps you up to keep going!
I am (almost) equally impressed with the fact that it's not even 8am and you all are BACK from shopping! You don't let any grass grow under you, do you?!
Have a wonderful day!
~ Tara