Surgery Scheduled!
Well, my surgery is scheduled!! I was fortunate that I was able to pick the date I wanted -- February 14th. So I guess Valentine's Day will always have a special meaning for me from now on.
My mom is actually flying in to take care of me after the surgery, which is incredibly nice of her. She'll be here for 3 days.
I feel good about my decision. I'm ready to have the lapband. The only thing I am worried about is that in 6% of patients, they aren't able to do the surgery laperscopically. The thought of being cut from breast bone to belly button is really frightening. I just pray I am not among that 6%.
Other than that, I feel good about everything. :)
Congratulations! I know you are excited. Hopefully, you can have this laproscopically. I just had an open RNY and the incision is a BEAR! Also, check out if you are allergic to tape or adhesive prior to surgery--you REALLY need to know that in advance. I have about 6 sores on my belly from tape, not from the surgery!