Losing 2 Live Meeting Jan 19th
If the weather is bad tomorrow by all means do not try to attend. This is a planning meeting and it not worth anyone trying to get there and get hurt. If the weather that they are forcasting here happens, I will not be there either.
If it does snow, sleet, freeze us out we will have a make up meeting. I am looking at February 9th, since alot of folks will be attending the slumber party and be in town already.
Just know that I don't expect anyone to put themselves in jeopardy to be at this meeting.
I think I will stay in Memphis tomorrow. Don't like to take chances on snow, icey weather. I will catch up with the group I guess thru email. I will attempt to look at my schedule for the 2/9 meeting...I was so hoping to meet some of ya'll but I also want to make sure I can get there and get back home.