I just lost another 100 pounds!
Well, I want to update you on the whole “reduction/lift” issue. The PS office called and offered me a date of Feb. 14th. They said this is the latest that (said PS - who shall remain nameless) would be able to do the surgery and still have time to do the follow-up visits before she moved to Miami. (First of all, could you even imagine doing that on Valentine’s Day?!) Well, I did the smartest thing ever: I called Dr. Spaw. After giving him all the details, he put some things into perspective for me. First of all, he said, I’m too early out from WLS to be considering this at this point. When I told him that she (the PS) had said that for a reduction/lift you don’t have to wait like for the others (tummy tuck, etc.), he was very surprised. He said he couldn’t speak for PS’s across the board, but he could speak for Bariatric surgeons across the board – and you need to be a year out before consider a surgery like this.
Secondly, he was very concerned at the prospect of me having a surgery like this (or any other, probably) when the surgeon is in the process of relocating. He said, “What happens if 4-6 weeks after surgery you develop an infection or something? She’s gone! And nobody else is going to want to touch you… and if they do take you on, they will have no invested interest in you. After all, they’re not going to get the check from Aetna.” He said as soon as he found out she was leaving, he quit referring patients to her. He said, “You need to know that your surgeon is going to be here 6 months, a year… 6 years after you have your surgery. If she was changing hospitals or something like that, that would be different. But leaving the state – that’s a different story.”
And thirdly, he totally validated my “inner voice”. I told him how when I first found out I’d been approved, that I was little shaken… a little scared… feeling like I’m not ready. I asked him if those were just the natural feelings of someone facing this type of procedure, or was that a sign that I wasn’t ready. He told me that my emotional response was very healthy, and it indeed confirmed that I wasn’t ready for this. He said that typically patients who are looking for a PS “can’t wait”… they are chompin’ at the bit, so to speak. I said, “Kind of like we all were to have bypass surgery.” He said, “Exactly!”
He also told me that I am way ahead of the game in that I already have insurance approval. He said most patients don’t get approval and therefore are left shopping for the cheapest price, because they are looking at paying for it out of pocket. He said it will make a big difference that, when the time comes, I can walk into a PS office and say, “I’ve got approval – I want to know how good you are and what I’m going to look like when you’re done!” He said to verify with my insurance co. how long the approval is for, but that most of the time approvals are good for 1 year.
I got off the phone and felt like I'd lost 100 more pounds – such a heavy weight was lifted off my shoulders. Maybe I can say I’ve lost 179 pounds instead of just 79!
I could not believe how “oppressed” I’d been feeling. It had been almost as debilitating as my fibro was… I just sat around all day, feeling very overwhelmed,
had no motivation to do anything. Of course, feeling like that made me “snappy”
and John said I had definitely been ‘withdrawn’ for days – that he could tell it was weighing heavily on me. Anyway, I feel like I’m “back”. My joy is back.
I am so at peace again. I am pleased at where I am – where I’ve come from – and where I’m going. And that I’ll get there. And it doesn’t have to happen in 5 months’ time! So, that brings you up to speed on all things “Tara” – ha ha.
I want to thank you all for listening and for sincerely caring! You are valuable and precious – and I’m glad God brought you into my life!
Have a terrific day!
~ Tara
Susan (AKA bilsrib)
300/135/135 - Plastics February 2008 - Dr. Lois Wagstrom
P E A C E - It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.
159 (current/post-pregnancy)
150 (Goal)