Hello! And welcome to the board... there are some wonderfully supportive people here... and they will become family. I will warn you - - its addictive... you will be signing on each day just to see what the gang is doing...feel free to jump in and be part of us!
Yes it is very natural to think, "What if I am THE ONLY PERSON in the world that this doesn't work on...?" My roommate had surgery two months ahead of me, and I would ask him so many questions... my biggest fear is that I would have a tiny pouch for a stomach, and that I would still have a huge appetite... what if I had that big of an appetite, and could not get that much food in my stomach? I would feel like I was starving to death! I kept asking Mike, "ARE YOU SURE YOU ARE NOT HUNGRY? TELL ME THE TRUTH! DOES IT HURT? WHAT KIND OF PAIN IS IT? ARE YOU HUNGRY YET?" Yes I surely did worry the fire out of the man! But he answered each and every question during those 2 months exactly the same... and he assured me that I would not be hungry. Then after reading some information, I learned that when they do the surgery and cut the large stomach away from the pouch, they cut some kind of a nerve that tells your brain that you are hungry... that's why it takes up to several years to be hungry again. I still never feel hunger as I knew it before... I do get an empty feeling sometimes, but I am on such a routine that I know when its time to eat... If I feel empty, I know its time to get something... maybe some cheese, or a protein shake, maybe a protein bar... it doesn't take much to get rid of that empty feeling...
All your fears are logical. I actually would be very suprised and wonder about people who had NO concerns and NO worries... because that means that they don't truly understand the impact that the surgery will have on their lives. Another thing that plays into your fears that this won't work for you - - as all of us, we have tried diet after diet. We have failed time after time. Why would we be successful with THIS, right? But this is a very different situation. Its not like being on a diet. You will have things that happen to your body which will work in your favor... such as the not feeling hungry... then there's the fact that you will have a smaller tummy, aka pouch, and it doesn't take as much to fill you up...
Feel free to ask any question you want... because in a group this size, I can assure you that one of us, if not more, have either thought about it or asked it! Welcome, again....