How much time between approval,dr appointment to surgery ?
Good morning Liz!
I kept a timeline from when I started the process until surgery. Click here to check how long it took for me. I promise though, it will fly by!
Well I got my approval call about the first week in Aug, meet with the Dr about two days after that, started my preopt diet and then had my surgery on 08/21. Real quick for me once all got approved, when they called they even had me a post-opt follow up visit made for me. They are on top of things there. Good luck and keep us posted on your progress.
Girl ~
Get ready, 'cuz now you're off to the races!
Mine was a little different. I actually had my last appt. already scheduled in hopes that the approval would come first, but it didn't. So my appt. w/ Dr. Spaw was on Aug. 15. Holding to the hope that the approval would be there soon, I went ahead and started on the 2-wk pre-op diet, so that wouldn't slow things down.
My approval came in on Tues., Aug. 28th; did pre-op testing at the hospital on the 29th, and had my surgery on Tuesday Sept. 4th. Less than 3 weeks from my last appt., but only a week after approval!
I'd say it could come as early as Jan. 30-31, depending on how booked he is. It's just a matter of shrinking that liver!
Let us know your date! We're as excited as protein punch!
~ Tara

protein punch huh ? lol,,I'm gonna have to get me some of that !
I have already stocked up on protein drinks and broth,,got gas ex too,,lol ! I had lapband so I know about the gas,,
I am looking for a small refridge to keep in my room to keep thing's handy,,roomie dont realize that the other person needs a shelf in the fridge
*throwing nerf ball at roomies head*
I see dr spaw at 10am tomorrow,,I'm ready to get goin,,get the band out and get my RNY ! Whoohoooo !!

What? Did I hear a good idea for a new drink? Protein PUNCH?
Hmm let me think bout that... adding a new whey bullet to some hawaan punch sleeve and water?? Hmmm
Thanks for the idea. Now you have my brain a clickin. If you could altar a punch recipe, your party goers would have a spiked drink... spiked wit protien!
I had a surgery date within 3 weeks from my approval letter. It went really quickly! Of course it depends on scheduling and being able to get you in for pre-op tests and etc but it will be here before you know it. Congrats on the upcoming surgery!
159 (current/post-pregnancy)
150 (Goal)