One more week!
Finally, after all the stressful things settling down, I have officially began my countdown to WLS! I will be having surgery Jan 21, at 7:30 am at Horizon Medical Center, in Dickson, TN. I have gotten all my ducks in a row finally and the realization has now come that THIS is going to happen. I got my pre admitting done today and even volunteered to be a Guinea pig for a person just learning to do Blood work.. (stuck twice and finally they got blood.. LOL).
I have been working hard doign my exercises and my breathing excercises, and the modified Atkins they have me on is a little frustrating, but i'm adapting. I drink 2 protein shakes a day and 1 solid meal for this phase. So my weekend excitement will be cleaning myself out and full liquids, then Clear liquids on Sunday (yay!).
Am I nervous.. yeah, I am.. But, I truly believe that if the Lord God wants me to go, it will happen, and I will go. So, I'm pretty calm and reserved on that issue. Of course, I will be doing an extra prayer session in church Sunday im sure..
An extra special thanks goes out to this wonderful group, who listened to me rant and rave when things weren't going well, and encouragement when things were.
I especially thank Scott for being there for everyone and the neato benches that he makes. I am especially glad that you finally got your surgery!!
Well, not much else to say. I will be around the site and absorbing all the info you guys/gals have to say.
God bless you all,

I am soooo excited for you!
I know it was a bit of struggle getting to this point, but you have perservered and you are about to be rewarded - big time!
You and Sue (misstilly) are having your re-birth day on my birthday! Might fine day for a new start! And to me, there's something about "starting over" in January - when the year is fresh. Literally - out with the old, in with the new!
Please, please keep us posted! and good luck!
~ Tara