I have a leak in my band-has anyone experienced this?
I had my surgery in March 2005. After a successful weight loss of 85 pounds I decided I wanted to put my weight loss journey on hold to have a baby. I knew with the help of the band, and the ok from my doctor, that I could finish my journey after birth. Most of the saline had to be removed from my band during pregnancy because I had morning sickness. It went away, and of course I gained a lot of weight. About 60 pounds. I had my little guy in May 2007. In July I went to the doctor for my 1st adjustment. I found out after that visit that my insurance stopped covering weight loss treatment. So I was now a self-pay client. My next adjustment was in October. I knew I had very little restriction so I went back just 2 weeks later. We figured out at that time my band was not holding saline. After x-rays my doctor was confident it was a port leak. We managed to get insurance to cover the port replacement, which I had late December. But bad news-it is not the port, it is the actual band. So now my doctor is trying to contact the manufacturer of the band to see if they will cover replacement of the band. I am SO depressed. I have gained 20 pounds since my surgery late December, because all I do is eat. I am not motivated to go the the gym and I definately do not want to diet. I had to buy bigger pants today because even my pregancy clothes do not fit anymore.
Anyway- I sort of needed to vent. And I need support. And I need to feel like this is going to be fixed and life will be better. Just like I heard someone say recently on The Biggest Loser-I need to lose the weight before my son figures out that I am fat!
Has anyone else out there gone through this?
I didn't have the lapband and don't really have an answer for you... I hope that the manufacturer is willing to change the band... they should be responsible for their product!
One thing you may do is go back to a healthy eating lifestyle, the one you learned when you got the band... it wasn't just a matter of restrictive eating but you had to make healthier choices too... so revisit those guidelines and also maybe see a counselor for the depression and the reasons you are turning back to food.... then again, some of that weight gain might be for medical related issues? Best of luck. Please keep us posted on your progress...
And congratulations on the lil' guy! That by far has to be the most rewarding of life's experiences... to have your little child... I dont have kids but I bet it is awesome.
I actually talked to the company that makes the band today. They said there is no guarantee on the band. They won't cover the cost of surgery to replace the band. I have to pay for the surgery and then file a claim by submitting some paperwork and sending the faulty band to the company. They will review my claim and decide if they want to reimburse me for part of the costs. Doesn't sound promising. So now I get to deal with insurance and convince them to pay for the replacement of the band. This could take a while...