Dizzy Spells

Sue Johnson
on 1/13/08 7:41 am - Talbott, TN
I'm one month post op and had no problems at all until about the third week.  Now suddenly I get terrible dizzy spells and feel like I'm going to pass out.  The spells last about an hour after which I am exhausted and sleep for about an hour. I'm wondering if this is a symptom of dehydration.  I know I'm not getting all my water in...probably between 30 and 40 oz. a day instead of 64.  Do you think this could be the problem? Thanks, Sue
on 1/13/08 8:20 am - Nashville, TN
Sue,         It very well could be a sign of dehydration, try to incease your water intake and call your doctor in the morning, it is better to be safe than sorry!!!   I do know that I was very drained after my surgery and did not have per-say dizzy spells, but it would hit me as if, somone had stuck a syringe in me and pulled out all of my energy, this occured for several weeks after my surgery!! Call, Please!!! Shela
Kathy Newton
on 1/13/08 8:30 am - LaVergne, TN
Hi Sue, it's a big possibility, wise choice would be to go to the ER when you feel those spells, and let them know you may be dehydrated.  Be sure to let them know you have recently had gastric bypass.  I have to go about once a month.  Don't mess around with it, it affects some very important organs.  Otherwise, I pray everything is going smoothly for you.  Welcome to the losers bench if I forgot to congradulate you.   May God continue to be with you as your travel on this new journey. Love
 Kathy Newton

Darlene H.
on 1/13/08 8:40 am - Pinson, TN

Since you aren't getting enough water, that is more than likely the problem.  But another question, did you have a problem with diabetes?  If so, your blood sugar may be dropping out.  The best thing to do is contact your surgeon ASAP.


Darlene Hughes
     Tangled Lights

on 1/13/08 9:10 am - Madison, TN
Mike and I both had dizzy spells after our gastric bypass.  I dont know what causes it... maybe anesthesia?  Keep drinking... your body is undergoing a big change in diet, etc. and I think the dizziness is normal. But definitely call your surgeon


Susan J.
on 1/13/08 9:46 am - Madison, TN
Hey Sue, Are you on anything for high blood pressure? If so you may need to have your meds adjusted. My surgeon requires a follow up visit with your PCP 2 weeks after surgery if you are on any meds. Or at least he did when I had my surgery. This also sounds like you may be experiencing dumping.  You haven't told us what you are doing, or how long it's been since you ate, or what you last ate just before one of these episodes. Your doctor will need all of this information to help him figure out what's going on. The dizziness and feeling like passing out are definitely signs of dehydration. Also, just sleeping would not improve your hydration levels unless you drank a lot before going to sleep. It sounds like something else is going on and only your doctor can help with that. BTW - You know you simply MUST do better with your water.  No How are you doing with protein and other fluids? You do know that you can count anything without caffeine as part of your fluids for the day? It does get easier with time. Keep up the good work. Let us know what the doctor says.

Susan (AKA bilsrib) 
300/135/135 - Plastics February 2008 - Dr. Lois Wagstrom

P E A C E - It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.

Sue Johnson
on 1/13/08 10:22 am - Talbott, TN

I am on something for high blood pressure but I just saw my PCP on Friday and he didn't change that.  I don't know how it could be dumping because when it happened today the only thing I'd had was a protein shake.  When it happened today, I was pushing a grocery cart and I'd had that protein shake about 1.5 hours before.   I'm not drinking any other fluids except the water and some Unjury chicken soup.  I'm getting in pretty much all of my protein but the water is a problem for me. I see the doctor on Tuesday for my one month post op so I'll let you know how that goes.

Misty A.
on 1/14/08 4:45 am - White House, TN

I agree with everyone else. It could be the water intake. Plus, you are still recovering from a major surgery. Make sure you are getting plenty of rest. Do you take diabetes medicine? Like someone else said, if so, that may need to be adjusted. I know that I would get dizzy and room spinning just from taking a shower and washing my hair for the first 5 weeks. It was a hard recovery. Just from lack of food/calories. You have to drink and drink some more and get plenty of rest. Make sure you tell your Drs your symptoms so they can check you. I hope you get to feeling better soon.

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