i'm home from the hospital
Honestly if you are getting gassy from pudding, you might want to stick with jello....I could not do pudding for a long time... the sugar alcohols or something in it made my tummy hurt... the premade containers still hurt my tummy...
I went to Vitamin Shoppe and got the 42 g of protein bullets for 3.59 ea. Its a $1 more than the 23 g ones, but... here's the deal... you can only use 1.5 oz in your jello.... that's still 21 g of protein! So you are getting two servings in one bullet
ok maybe i made it wrong i took a box of small sf jello and a cup of ho****er mixed it and then added the whole 42 gram bullet and 1/2 cup water blended it in my majic bullet and frig it over night so now i have 42 gram protein jello but takes me all day to eat it i'm supposed to have 6 meals so made jello 5 of them and 1 chicken broth lol
That's ok Ravendawn.. you will just get more protein in that little portion of jello! Did it set up ok? Did you like how it tasted? I couldn't tell a difference! You may need to add the higher protein bullet right now, so you won't have to eat as much and still get in a lot of protein.... but later if you WANT to half the 42 g bullet, you could...
Hi Raven, You had your surgery on my 2 year birthday. I see Dr. Colquitt on Wednesday afternoon for my 2 year weigh-in. Congradulations on having your surgery. In about a week or two you will really start noticing the weight coming off. It hit my face and neck within 2 weeks. I no longer had a double chin. LOl, that shocked my parents.
I'll keep you in my prayers as you continue to recuperate.
May God be with you now and always as you travel down the path as a loser. Kathy

Shelly ~
so glad you're home - glad you are doing better each day! Someone may have already mentioned this, but hot tea is SO soothing! It was easier for me to get warm liquids down than colder ones.
Also - forget the Isopure - it's AWFUL!!! Whether you're trying to drink it, or freeze it and blend it to eat it like ice - YUCK, UCK, and DOUBLE-YUCK!! At Vitamin Shoppe, you will find Cytosport Protein drinks. They have 40g of protein in 20 oz. I've tried the tropical and watermelon flavors. They also have a tangerine - i have bought it but haven't tried it yet.
Another yummy, for me, is to the Matrix 5.0 chocolate flavor. I just mix a scoop with heated water, add some Splenda, and it's a wonderful hot chocolate. I started mixing it with (skim) milk, but couldn't even get 8oz down. Susan suggested I try mixing it with water. I did and could then drink the full 8 oz. Now I actually mix it with 14 oz of water and it gets even more of my fluid in - I drink it first thing in the morning, and then again about 30 minutes before I go to bed. (Note: 1 scoop of the Matrix 5.0 has 23 grams of protein in it.)
Just know that it's going to get easier and easier! Do your best. concentrate on the top three:
fluid, protein, walking.
Good luck and keep us posted...
~ Tara