i'm home from the hospital
well i'm home and seem to be doing ok i don't think i'm getting enough fluid but i can do the best i can its the waiting till after i drink 2 oz shake be be able to drink again i drink proably 2 oz an hour i worry about everything huting my little pouch but it does seem ok nothing bad so far feeling muchbetter that i did the 1st day got up and walked a little down the street today i have a dizzy feeling kinda tired probably the meds thou. i hte draining the draintube and stuff but oter than that seems ok i think hubby is helping a lot next apt on thur to have the drain tube taken out and my week check up well i'm feeling its nap time now things are getting blurry lol night night
I just found out about this... I wish I had it after my surgery. You can make protein jello. You will need some packs of Sugar Free jello (Kroger brand is very good and cheap), and you will also need some protein liquids which is called New Whey by IDS. Right now on the bottom left of my Obesity Help screen, there is a little advertisement that says "profect.com" and you can get 25 protein grams in one 3 oz serving. They also have some that are 42 g of protein. I am not sure what flavors are offered in the protein liquid, but I had a tropical punch bullet that I added to strawberry jello. They also have grape that you could put in grape jello... or be creative! lol
All you do is boil water. Add 1 cup of water to your jello mix powder. The directions ask you to add one cup of cold water. Instead, pour the 3 oz of New Whey protein bullet in, and then add 5 oz cold water.
Jello was the best thing after surgery as it goes down smooth, doesnt fill your pouch, but the problem is, it has no protein. Well here ya go! And, not sure if you know this, but the 16 oz in this jello serving count towards your daily fluid intake...
Welcome Home! I went to your profile and saw your name was Shelly, so ...Here's your Losers Bench.
May it be a place of rest after a long day of walking. A place to sit and sip while watching the world go by, and of course, may it be splinter free! Welcome home Shelly!
If you will PM me your home email address, I will send you a copy to download!

after awww thanks so much i love it. I ate 1 oz od sugar free pudding with a little protein powder in it for lunch boy am I full and trying to get in all this liquid is impossible. I have gad but am afraid to take the gas x did one yesterday and made me sick but it was also at the same time i drank that isopure am scared to try it again. pretty sure it was the isopure but i had this feeling of bad heartburn for an hour afterward is thus normal. Well I am glad to be home the hospital was bad i had my surgery at 10 am everthing seemed fine they had to take some blood around 6 tool 4 nurses each tried 4 times no blood all my veins collapsed. they had to take out of my foot that hurt then at 2 am my iv came out that was horrible blood everywhere and then 2 nurses and a anestesiologist (sp) could not get a vein they left it out and said go and start drinking water and try not to become dehydrated so that scared me starting off early and stuff so afraid of my little pouch bet seems ok but i hate needels so it was a terrible time for me.
Just remember, your broth, sf popcycles, water, all goes towards your water supply. It was easier for me to get in all my water just the first 3 weeks after surgery, now I do well to get down 16 ozs so I drink a lot of iced tea, lemonade, and crystal lite to help me get in my water. That's until my pancreas acts up, then it's only milk.
I really am sorry to hear this happened to you. My veins are so tiny, roll and disappear when they try to take blood from my veins, and forget about starting an IV. I had to have a med port put in, it's fine for a nurse (not a lab tech) to draw my blood for my leukemia blood counts, but they can't use it when being put to sleep for surgery. They use either a central line that the surgeon can only put in, and the sleep Dr. can start an IV in the vein next to the juggler in the left side of my neck. But the port is hooked up for saline and pain meds.
I will add you to my prayer list that things will go smoother for you. May God travel with you on this new journey as a loser. Love

I don't think GNC has the bullets. I've always gotten mine at The Vitamin Shoppe. They have a blue and yellow sign.
I would bet my bottom dollar that it is the Isopure causing your nausea. Like I said before, Shelia stayed green until we got her off the Isopure and onto other protein supplements.
Tara said The Vitamin Shoppe has a product like Isopure that actually tastes good. I think she said it was Cytosport or something like that. Back away from the Isopuke!!
Have hubby get some Any Whey and try adding that to warm broth or bouillion, or SF pudding, yogurt, any liquid or soft food you are able to eat.
Susan (AKA bilsrib)
300/135/135 - Plastics February 2008 - Dr. Lois Wagstrom
P E A C E - It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.