I feel terrible... right abdominal pain... Help!

on 1/11/08 9:08 pm - Madison, TN
I havent gone to the bathroom in a few days, in need of some more fiber I  think...  but this morning at 3:15 I woke up with my stomach hurting... kind of like menstrual cramps but that was a week ago...  anyway, I went to the bathroom, and tried to go, but constipated...  then I finally was able to after 20 minutes, and then it hurt so bad i was almost in tears.  My stomach hurt, cramping, it made my legs and hands quiver... kind of like when you have the flu, only then it makes your entire body quiver... I just went to the restroom and it feels a tiny bit better...  but when I stand up, I feel weak in my stomach and my legs kind of wobble and are weak...  arms feel that way too....  I havent had the flu in years.  what is that like?  I dont feel bad when I am laying down, like right now....  except that my stomach, mostly my right abdominal area, is crampy.


on 1/11/08 9:14 pm - Knoxville, TN
Mel, I have been going through this for a long time but more so since surgery, the other night it hurt so bad I thought I was having a pendistis (SP) went to ER had a cat scan and nothing wrong its IBS or spastic colon it hurts like no other pain, I am sorry you are going through this, but I am sure that is what you have going on. not much they can do for it I suffer every day with it.  I hope you get to feeling better. Annrenee


on 1/11/08 9:15 pm - Nashville, TN
Well since I just got over the flu, I can tell you that I hurt from the ends of my hair to the tips of my toes, kept a fever of 102 for four almost five days, very tired, all I could do was sleep, did not feel like doing anything. However when it started, I just thought that I had overdone it during Christmas, but to soon feel like a Mack truck had hit me...well actually I felt like a train hit me and drug me down the tracks on second thought!!!   But if you remember my recent ER visit, some of what you described is how I felt when I was "full of it" LOL  I had to drink Mag Citrate, you could try that if things don't ease up and start moving!!!!   Hope you get to feeling better soon and I can see you at the luncheon!!
on 1/11/08 10:39 pm - Madison, TN
I left a message with Dr. Houston...  then went back to sleep (around 6:30).  Its 8:30 now...  when I woke up, my tummy felt better but as I got up, it started to feel a little tense...  I got me a drink... which by the way is: 1 tbsp White Velvet Gosh That's Good (and Go****S GOOD!) 1/2 scoop elite vanilla protein powder 8-10 oz water I put about 4 oz of water into the go****s good, stirred, then put some COLD water in another cup with 1/2 scoop elite...  sometimes protein powders "cook" and get all lumpy and gross if you put the fluids in to it boiling Then stirred up WELL, no lumps, then added into the go****s good That way I am getting some protein out of it!


on 1/11/08 10:48 pm, edited 1/11/08 10:48 pm - Madison, TN
Dr H just called... he said to get some milk of magnesia and take for 2 days... even though I had 2 bm's (tmi, I know!) that I can go ahead and do the magnesium citrate if I wanted... BUT it COULD be appendicitis... if the pain lingers, and gets worse, go to the ER. So you all know how we must pay special attention and listen to our bodies after weight loss surgery...  sometimes we will wait things out... see if it subsides...  so today I will pay close attention to what my body is trying to tell me... Well, at least one thing...  I dont have a gallbladder... if I had my appendix taken out, what much else is there left?  Less to worry about down the road??  lol...But I do still have my tonsils.


on 1/11/08 10:52 pm - Nashville, TN

I do not have my appendix, because it was removed 20 years ago, so I did not think about this.  I will let you know that Walgreens has a grape flavor that is not as bad as the red or green, so if you must drink that stuff, maybe its worth going to Walgreens.  I know when I recently went to the ER, one of the first things they asked was if I still had my appendix, but when I did have to have mine removed, my lower right side hurt!!  Hope the Mag works!!!

on 1/11/08 11:13 pm - Madison, TN
Ok I am sitting on the couch now...  drinking my white mocha...  and the pain has gone away...  it is calm after the storm? lol I dont know if it will start up again when I get moving about...  But, when Tim calls saying he's on his way home (he had to work this morning), I will ask him to stop at walgreens so I dont have to get dressed until time for the luncheon.  Oh yeah, I forgott......  it doesnt take long to get into a bikini! lol  Just kidding.  We're leaving that at home today.  Well if its my appendix though...  it might leave scars so I might go ahead and wear it today just in case I have my appendix removed tomorrow... sometimes I am full of it.  haha


on 1/11/08 11:20 pm - Springfield, TN
Sorry your not feeling well. I hope it's not your appendix.  I felt this way a few weeks ago but pain was more to left side towards belly button and it was a case of bad constipation. Sorry TMI but it may help someone in future who has same symtoms. Hope you get everything resolved and feel better soon.

on 1/11/08 11:28 pm - Madison, TN
I looked at this week's Daily Plate food entries, and I only had 37 g of fiber! No stinkin wonder it hurts like hades!  I need to get cleaned out...  I ate a protein bar this morning too.  I am feeling a bit more settled and calm now.


on 1/12/08 12:02 am - Knoxville, TN
I guess my in put wasnt needed I will go back to just lurking


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