Just venting
yikes!! Sorry to hear about your rough day!! Why would your neighbor and husband blame you? You didn't tell the dog to attack your dog and you!! What did the police say?
I hate pit bulls... My next door neighbor has 3 pit bulls... and they're so mean looking. He has 2 big ones in a small chain link pen that looks like it will fall down at any second...and a puppy in a larger chain link pen...the puppy doesn't bother me so much. It is the 2 big ones in the small pen. I have never seen him take these dogs out for a walk or anyting so I know they are getting "madder" with each day they're penned in this little area. Big dogs like that need to be exercised! Another thing is, I don't understand why he would keep 2 big dogs in such a little pen, and then a puppy in a larger pen. I'm debating on calling animal control about the situation, but I don't want him to find out I called. Surely there is some rule or law about keeping these animals penned in such small areas??? I'm really good friends with his wife and she doesn't understand her husband wanting to keep these dogs and keeping them penned like he is either and she is frankly peed off that he even has these dogs. He says he wants to breed them...but the female keeps killing her litters! It makes me really nervous thinking about having a baby around here for sure!
Hope you get to feeling better!
APRYL keeping them penned makes them more aggressive. I would be scared too, the thing about these dogs is I would not have moved here If I knew they were in the neighborhood. I would have moved far away the first I have ever seen of them is last night. I guess it is cause I do not let me dogs get away from me they are always close. Here is my baby:
Thank you so much! Everyone for your support.
So with great pleasure I get to tell you She is now wagging her tail and letting me pet her. So I am hoping she will let me carry her to the truck some time soon as to get her to the vet.
As for my knee and bit I will worry about that when all is done with my baby.