Gosh That's Good... Got it... help?
Hey Mel!
Congratulations on your purchase! I'll bet you have already PMed Linda but if not...use a heaping tablespoon per 12 ounce cup. Mix it with a little hot liquid to let it dissolve and then use it as you would any syrup.
For example, I use 1 heaping tablespoon in 12 - 16 ounces Hood's Calorie Countdown (Green Carton.) First I put the powder in the bottom of a cup, mix it with about 2 Tablespoons ho****er and mix it up. Then I add my Hood's and zap it in the microwave for about 2 1/2 minutes. Stir it until it is mixed in...then I top mine with a peppermint marshmallow (I made them with maltitol.)
For a 16 ounce mocha use a heaping tablespoon of either flavor and follow the same procedure of mixing it with a little ho****er.
Use two of three shots of espresso (depending on your preference) and hot steamed milk to top it off. Top it with the lovely froth from the milk and maybe a dash of cinnamon or nutmeg or cocoa.
Enjoy! If you have problems call me! 653-3910
Ok, here is what I did...
1 tblsp of choc gosh that's good
6 oz boiling water
mix it up good while espresso was dripping
added 2 shots espresso
steamed about 1/2 to 1 oz half & half
It was pretty good.. UNTIL... I got to work and it was cold. I thought, OK Let's do an iced mocha. No! I didnt like... so heated it back up in mic... it was GREAT again! lol