EASY way to get protein
I found this on BariatricEating.com and did it today. I made a pack of SF jello... you boil 1 cup water, add it to the powder, then add 1 cup of water, right? Wrong! Get a New Whey 3 oz protein "bullet" as they are called, by IDS, and pour it into your cup measure... then fill the rest up with water. . You then have your 1 cup of cold liquid. Put in fridge. You now have 25 or 42 g of protein in your jello.
This is very good for new postops as you cannot get much food in... but I dont know of anyone who hasn't been able to eat jello.... you can add a little whipped cream IF you are at that stage...
I had tropical punch in strawberry jello. Tim had it too and he said he could NOT tell a difference. The New Whey bullets are 100 calories for the entire portion, and the jello is only 20 calories for the entire portion... so if you ate ALL of it, then it would be 120 calories, 25 or 42 proteins depending on which one you chose...
i tried this today and love it its great i can get down the jello and my protein the bullets are disgusting to me lol but when i added it ti the jello it was tollerable good for just 4 days post op thanks so much for the info and i gave it to my friend who has surgery same day as me and cn'at keep the shakes down so its great
I have some bullets left in my fridge so I may try this. I am one who could not tolerate jello immediately after surgery. Each of the 2 times I got nauseated in the hospital was right after a little bite of jello. Jello has not crossed my lips since.
I'll have to let you know if this works. I used to love jello.
Susan (AKA bilsrib)
300/135/135 - Plastics February 2008 - Dr. Lois Wagstrom
P E A C E - It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.