My WOW moment!
I stepped on the scales last night and I had finally made it to my first goal. I have lost 100 pounds since the start of my weight loss journey. My journey didn't start the day I had surgery. It started in January of last year when I was required to lose 10% of my weight to gain approval for surgery. I don't get a century card or anything like that since I didn't lose it all after surgery but I am still excited. 100 pounds gone forever!! Woohoo!! I couldn't have done it without all the help and support of everyone here. All of you are my angels!
Highest weight 364
Pre-op weight 330
Present weight 264
Who says you don't get a Century Club Card? A loss is a loss! Your journey started when you decided to pursue WLS. So, the way Is see it is this...
"Any one who loses, deserves that card". Whether you did it on your on, or you went the route of WLS. I don't mean to sound rude, only truthful.
So, with that said, send me your emal address, and I will send these to you. this way, you can download them to your computer and use them however you want!

You guys are awesome and so encouraging. Thanks for all the nice things you've said.
Scott, I am so touched for you to do this for me. What a guy! I can't view them as of right now while I am on the pc at work. All I can see is the outline but I bet they are super cool. I can't wait to look at them when I get home. I will also get you my home email address so I can download them. It is so very thoughtful of you.
Thanks again everyone for all of your help.