Did you watch Racheal Ray?

on 1/9/08 8:08 am - Nashville, TN
What did you think about what happened to Hallie?  The reason her friends, even her Mom, about why they did not want to be around her anymore?   I have my opinion, but want to know yours first!!! Thanks Guys,  Shelia
on 1/9/08 8:29 am, edited 1/9/08 8:30 am - Nashville, TN
I saw it, even recorded it for Beth.  There were really 2 things that stuck out in my mind. First: As we are losing weight (or making other changes in our lifestyles), we tend to go to friends and family for that support.  It sounds like that is what she did.  Nothing wrong with that.  But where was her "support group"?  There was not one mention of any type of support, other than what she was trying to get from her mother/friends!  It is really nice when our friends/family do show that support, but it is not always there.   I am very lucky.  My parents were so supportive of Beth when she had her surgery.  It was something that I did not expect.  They have even been more supportive toward Melissa and I.  It is unbelievable.  Now on the other hand, my friends at work.  The majority of them have, and I think will continue to be supportive.  But there are always a few who are waiting to see you fail.  I believe you know the ones.  The person who comes in and says, "Wow you really need to try these cookies, they are amazing, Oh thats right, you can't have anymore, I'm sorry (in their best sarcastic voice).  I usually kill them with kindness and say something like, "Thats OK, you can have mine, one more want hurt you too bad".  I feel like we will always have those people in our life.  But having a group of people who have walked that walk  will truly make a difference in your life.  I know it does for me!!!!!  So, where was her support group? Second:  I did not like Rachel Rays attitude when it came to the "Tango Joe's" she made.  Several times she made the comment, "I'm gonna cook something good for these people, food always makes you feel better".  Saying that to a person who has lost over 200 pounds was not only disrespectful, but rude.  Then as she was making the sandwiches, I felt like I was going to have a dumping episode jus****ching the ingredients that she was putting in it.  After all the food was made, she placed the Joe's on the table and said, "Go ahead, it will make you feel better".  Hallie looked very hesitant about putting it in her mouth, and Rachel Ray even said something about that.  I really don't think RR or her staff did enough research into Gastric Bypass and what is involved. OK, sorry this was long, but I have been waiting for someone to post about RR.  Other than those 2 things, I really enjoyed the show.  Aren't you glad I liked it instead of hating it?
on 1/9/08 8:50 am - Nashville, TN
Thanks Scott,  Just wait. Waiting ...........I want to hear from others, before I post my thoughts, don't want to sway anyones thoughts!!!!!!!!! Shelia
on 1/9/08 9:49 am - St. Albans, VT
First, I did not see the show, but I heard about it. I am over in Knoxville now from Vermont and it was a topic for us. I will tell you my experience was pretty similar to what I heard about Hallie. I lost my best friend of 11 years because she could not handle being larger than me. I was always the fat one, not her. Once I got smaller, she became mean. She would say horrible things to my face. She would find reasons not to spend time with me. Silly me, I thought friendship was stronger than that. I learned that wls isn't always wonderful for everyone. I have also learned alot by working in a weight loss surgery clinic as a nurse. Many, many of our patients were always the ones who took care of everyone else.They were never number one, never took time for themselves. Maybe Hallie's family and friends do not want to be second anymore, now that she is taking care of herself!  Maybe her family will not admit it. We see it a lot, unfortunately, the emotional abuse families do to the obese person without realizing it. When the obese person loses weight, gains confidence and a backbone, the family loses their power and control over that person. Its sad but true. And it might be best for that poor Hallie girl in the end. Who knows, maybe Hallie is overly comsumed by her wls, dietary changes and is imposing it on those around her and they are sick of it. Again, I did not see the show, only heard about it. But I have seen both sides of this coin, and sometimes it doesn't work out like we planned. The ones who promised to be our support can't always come through for us. We need to plan on being there for ourselves. Bonnie 264/155
Melissa C.
on 1/9/08 10:23 am - Goodspring, TN
Since I work at night I didn't get to see it, so I'm interested in hearing about what all happened on the show. I hope everyone is as descriptive as Scott. Great post Scott. I can't wait to read Sheila's opinion. Melissa
on 1/9/08 11:15 am - Springfield, TN

Oh darn, I knew there was something I was wanting to do!! I can't wait to see what everyone thought.

I did catch A Baby Story on TV...comes on TLC. Well, the woman they were following had gastric bypass, lost about 150lbs, and got pregnant *sounds familiar haha* Anyways, she was talking about her surgery and she said that for the first few months she was starving her body by not eating - I was like...what??!! That isn't how it works!! The way she described it all made the surgery sound really horrible and that you practically received no nutrition. No wonder so many people are ignorant about weight loss surgery... the people having surgery can be just as uneducated. It is amazing that so many people go into surgery thinking its just this magical thing that will instantly make them skinny and don't comprehend or don't WANT to comprehend other emotional, mental, and physical aspects of the surgery...ok, thats my vent for the day. I'm done now :-)



on 1/9/08 11:20 am, edited 1/9/08 11:25 am - Nashville, TN
I just wanted to let you know that you can probably catch the story on her website http://www.rachaelrayshow.com/  if you would like.   I would have liked to have seen that show as well, but I will hold off on all my other comments until more post their viewpoints.
on 1/9/08 12:49 pm - Cookeville, TN
I watched it. But ONLY for Mike Rowe!!!! That man is something else!!!! *THUD* Okay (she says brushing herself off after hitting the floor) I was shocked that RR didn't cook something that was more GBS related. I was floored when the poor girl had to take a bite out of her food, knowing that more than likely she would have some really bad problems because of it later. I just wished that society would be more in touch with obesity. The world is expected to accpet your race, color, creed, nationality and your sexual orientation but not your weight.... le' sigh, some dady I suppose.....a girl can dream....can't she???? God bless you all,
on 1/9/08 8:07 pm, edited 1/9/08 8:10 pm - Nashville, TN
Good morning Tina!  I was going through my friends list the other day, and came across your new avatar!  May I say you are looking good and that is a great picture of you!  I also checked out your website.  Looks like you did a great job of  it.  Congrats and keep us updated, we have missed seeing yourface around here!
on 1/10/08 7:07 pm - Madison, TN
Did anyone tape it?  I almost did but we didnt have an extra vcr tape... I was mad that RR did that to the poor girl...  an saying food mad e you happy??  Yeah thats whats wrong with our society...  funerals?  Get food.  Weddings?  Get food.  Babies?  Get food?  House warming?  Get food.  Out with friends?  Get food. Everything evolves around food...  and JUNK food, at that... cake and ice cream mostly... at work, they used to always have celebrations and had cake & ice cream.  A hospital could not offer fruit, cheese trays, vegetables?  come on!   I brought it to someone's attention and basically was told that its not going to change.


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