I saw it, even recorded it for Beth. There were really 2 things that stuck out in my mind.
First: As we are losing weight (or making other changes in our lifestyles), we tend to go to friends and family for that support. It sounds like that is what she did. Nothing wrong with that. But where was her "support group"? There was not one mention of any type of support, other than what she was trying to get from her mother/friends! It is really nice when our friends/family do show that support, but it is not always there. I am very lucky. My parents were so supportive of Beth when she had her surgery. It was something that I did not expect. They have even been more supportive toward Melissa and I. It is unbelievable. Now on the other hand, my friends at work. The majority of them have, and I think will continue to be supportive. But there are always a few who are waiting to see you fail. I believe you know the ones. The person who comes in and says, "Wow you really need to try these cookies, they are amazing, Oh thats right, you can't have anymore, I'm sorry (in their best sarcastic voice). I usually kill them with kindness and say something like, "Thats OK, you can have mine, one more want hurt you too bad". I feel like we will always have those people in our life. But having a group of people who have walked that walk will truly make a difference in your life. I know it does for me!!!!! So, where was her support group?
Second: I did not like Rachel Rays attitude when it came to the "Tango Joe's" she made. Several times she made the comment, "I'm gonna cook something good for these people, food always makes you feel better". Saying that to a person who has lost over 200 pounds was not only disrespectful, but rude. Then as she was making the sandwiches, I felt like I was going to have a dumping episode jus****ching the ingredients that she was putting in it. After all the food was made, she placed the Joe's on the table and said, "Go ahead, it will make you feel better". Hallie looked very hesitant about putting it in her mouth, and Rachel Ray even said something about that. I really don't think RR or her staff did enough research into Gastric Bypass and what is involved.
OK, sorry this was long, but I have been waiting for someone to post about RR. Other than those 2 things, I really enjoyed the show. Aren't you glad I liked it instead of hating it?