Today I'm a winner, but I still hurt!
In my quest to stay abreast of all things WLS related, I read several blogs each day. One of the ones I read is "Melting Mama". Sometimes she can get a little rough, but that's what I like about her. Anyway, a couple of weeks ago she had a give away on her daily blog. All it required was a comment to this specific entry (click here for that contest). My comment was:
Hey, I just had WLS. Give me a year, and I will be your hot little male housekeeper, and I'll even run down to Starbucks and get you a Venti Soy Cappuccino and ISS Oh Yeah Bar!
Well, she drew the winning names last night during "The Biggest Loser". What a thrill when I checked her blog this morning and what did my overly pain killed eyes see, but this (click here).
So here's what I won!

So, today I'm a WINNER and a LOSER!
Have a good day!