I "crossed the aisle"!!!
Hope you are talking about BETH and not you, because you may have had the WRONG surgery!!!! LOL
I am so very glad to hear this, I remember when I got sent out of Catherines by staff, they said I had to come back to visit but NEVER to shop again. I have shopped there for years and they were so happy for me when I came in several months ago to see if those 0x's I had always seen on the clearence rack and thought to myself many times, "What are they doing with those sizes here anyone that SMALL should be able to buy clothes anywhere, they don't need to come to a place like this to buy clothes". Well I actually was too small at that point for even the 0x's, it was a WOW moment that I will never forget!!! They laughed and enjoyed it with me as well!!!
You will never forget it!!!