Talked to the Dr.
Hey guys! Well it seems I have over done it! I guess I have to realize that I'm not Superman! Anyway, Dr Dyer told me that the pain I am feeling comes form the area where he put the stapler in. It seems I pulled the area where the stomach is stapled. He made me fill a little better when he told me this is somewhat normal as peopl;e become more active. Realistyically, I guess I should no better, I only had surgery 3 weeks ago today! So, I am laid up for a few more days, taking pain killers and watching TV.
Thanks for the prayers and words of support. I guess Superman will hang out in the closet for a few more weeks!
Hi Scott:
I was worried that you may have done that. I remember the very first time that i felt very good and was able to drive and drove down to the Super Walmart. I got halfway through the store and had to find a place to sit down and had determined that I was in a lot of trouble. I had over done it. Felt too sick to move and too embarresed to call my family because they warned me of over doing it. It took me a couple of hours to get from that bench to my car ( I was walking like one of the Tim Conway characters on the Carol Burnett show). When I got home I crawled in to bed for two days. I never said anything to my family and they never said anything to me ( I know they knew).
We sometimes get this sense of feeling so good but we forget that our bodies have been through major surgery and it takes time for that to heal. Even though it has been 3 weeks that is not long at all compared to what your body has been through.
That is another wonderful side benefit from WLS that I have learned in the last year is how much more in tune I am with my body and what my body is trying to tell me. We are developing a great relationship....LOL
I hope you get to feeling better.......