United Healthcare

Laura B.
on 1/8/08 12:20 am - Smyrna, TN
Does anyone have United Healthcare? And if so how long did it take them to tell you if your approved or not? Seems like they are taking their sweet little time!!!! I don't know if that's good or bad... lol
HW: 300 / SW: 255 / CW: 273 / GW: 155
on 1/8/08 2:30 am - San Diego, CA
hi I have had UHC for 11 1/2 yrs now,,thanks to the company I work for,,when I had my LapBand it took 3 weeks for approval,,I am getting a revision and it took 3 weeks for my approval also,,but remember that it is the beginning of the year and your paperwork may be a lil behind if it was submitted at the end of the year. Dr Morton's people are good at callin the insurance company alot,,be patient,,it will happen ! :)
Laura B.
on 1/8/08 2:41 am - Smyrna, TN

Thanks... I'm going on 4 weeks since my paperwork was submitted. And last week they wanted more info. And I still have no answer... I hope it wont be weeks still before I know anything. Ya Amy at his office is a sweetheart. She calls me on a regular basis.  I'm just really getting nervous and excited....

HW: 300 / SW: 255 / CW: 273 / GW: 155
on 1/8/08 3:45 am - TN
I have United, too.  They received my documents on Dec 20 and I still don't have my approval.  I called them yesterday and spent an hour and a half on the phone and didn't learn anything
Laura B.
on 1/8/08 3:52 am - Smyrna, TN
I was also on the phone with them yesterday and was probably on for 30 minutes for him to just tell me that no decision was made.... he said "atleast it doesn't say no"... I just laughed at him and told him that doesn't make a difference to me I want to know what it will say!... He told me to feel free to call later this week and see. I think I'm just going to leave it up to my surgeon's office because I'm getting too impatient.
HW: 300 / SW: 255 / CW: 273 / GW: 155
on 1/8/08 4:06 am - San Diego, CA
I just leave the call up to Amy,,when I called to check on my upcomeing revison UHC told me they didnt have any records of it being submitted,,to obviously Amy talks to someone I couldnt,,prolly a different office,,one of my friend's at work,,it took her over a month for approval It will come ,,I know patience is hard,,have faith !
on 1/8/08 6:30 am - Nashville, TN
Hi Laura!  I don't have United Health Care, but I know all about the waiting game.  The biggest piece of advice I can give, "DON'T GIVE UP".  I called everyday at least once, and sometimes twice a day!  Hang in there and know our prayers are with you!
on 1/8/08 10:22 am - , TN
Just hang in there...I think insurance companies try to drive us nuts....

 Living > Existing



on 1/9/08 10:21 am - St. Albans, VT
Just remember your insurer actually pays someone to go over that paperwork with a fine tooth comb looking for a reason to DENY it! That is why it takes so long! If you did all the requirements and the docs office actually sent the paperwork, you will get approved! Bonnie in Knoxville 264/155
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