I know it's been posted before, but.....
...Does anyone have any suggestions about pain in the left side. I originally thought it was from fluid where the drain was, but now am not to sure. I cleaned the site this morning and a lot of fluid came out. The pain originally got a little better, but is now back. It is not a pierce, stabbing pain, but more like a muscle pull. So it only hurts when I move a certain way.
Your advice or suggestions will be met with graciousness and compassion.. In other words, if I need to call Dr. Dyer, I will.
Thanks guys!
Hi Scott, I got that way, a lot of it was built up gas, and constipated. But since I am not Doc Newton today, check with your Dr. That's the best advice I can give you. I still get it on the left side, and I know I am constipated with backed up gas.
You take care and May God always be with you, love Kathy

Hi Scott. Did the pain recently start or is it existing pain that just never went away? I know when I had my gallbladder removed Lap, my left side hurt for over 3 weeks. They said it was because they had bruised my rib on the left side and the muscle under it where they went in with one of the larger tubes. It was the same spot they used for the RNYand they said it can happen where they bruse it with the tubes. Also, the thing about built up gas inside there is true too. if it is exisiting pain, I would think it is ok. If it is pain that just started recently, you may want to call the Dr to make sure that it is not an infection or something building up. Hopefully it will get better soon.
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