A special need

Kathy Newton
on 1/9/08 7:29 am - LaVergne, TN
Hi Chrissy, no I haven't.  I saw my pcp yesterday and received a message that he will not be able to fill my prescription for Dilada and neither can my GI Dr. who says there's nothing that can be done regarding my pancreas, that I would just have to stay on pain medication for the flare ups.  I called my surgeon when I got back to my friends home and they will get back to me either tomorrow or by Friday regarding doing the surgery before seeing a pain specialists.  None will see me until after the surgery. He want's me in a pain clinic program before surgery.  So far the date is still set for January 21st. I'll know for sure this week if they are going to go ahead and do the surgery.  But I will check with the social services or social worker at the hospital.   Dinner time, thanks, love kathy
 Kathy Newton

on 1/9/08 7:48 am - , TN
It certainly can't hurt, and remember even if they can't help you they should be able to refer you to someone who can!!! 

 Living > Existing



Kathy Newton
on 1/10/08 12:44 am - LaVergne, TN
I can't do much right now as I'm not at my home, I'm near Morristown east of knoxville taking care of my storage and seeing Dr.'s here that I didn't change when I moved.  Plus my surgeon for my 2 yr weigh in is just south of knoxville.  But when I get back home next week, I will certainly check into all this.  Thanks love kathy
 Kathy Newton

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