A special need
Hi everyone. Thank each of you for your continued prayers and support. I don't know what is going on, but I have been really sick over the past couple of weeks. I have an Abdominal Aortic Athroscelosis meaning hardening of the artiers in the abdomine. It makes my heart pump hard when I lay flat, so I have been sleeping in the recliner. I had my pouch checked last Thrusday. Everytime I would eat or take a pain pill, I would burn so bad inside and into my back that I would start throwing up bile. Pouch is doing great, but not the pancreas. Whatever is going on is growing, I have a very nice 3-4 month size tummy and very hard. Since the New year, I have gained 7 lbs. It's growing that fast. I can't fasten any of my clothes. I walk around with them unfastened, if I fasten them, I am in so much pain I get sick to my innards. I found warming up a Vernors Ginger Ale seemed to help, and milk. I try to drink water, but can only handle 8ozs and my pancreas isn't allowing anymore inside me, so I drink crystal lite and ice tea. It's messing with my sugar. About three weeks ago I thought my potassium was low, I felt sick, cramps and charlie horses in my toes and calves, my back hurt. So I went to the hospital. My sugar was 40. After drinking a couple sips of apple juice, they checked my sugar again about 45 minutes later and it was 128. I've had no problems with my sugar since my surgery. Now it's going haywire.
I leave in a few hours for the east of knoxville. I'll be there until the 16th. I see Dr. Colquitt in Maryville on the 16th for my 2 year weigh-in (which is 1/9) then I head back here. I will be pre-registering at Baptist Hospital again on the 18th, and if all goes well and I've seen a pain clinic specialists, I will be having surgery on my neck on the 21st of January. But I may have to put that off as bad as my neck is killing me, as this pancreas right now and the abdominal aortic artery needs more attention now then the herinated disks in my neck.
Please pray that I will have a safe trip to Morristown and back. Lately traveling takes everything out of me. Also pray that they find out what is going on with my Pancreas and fix it including the Artery. My heart Dr. in Smyrna is aware of it and that I have Chronic Heart Failure.
Looks like I will be busy over the next several weeks. Plus filing bankruptcy, and trying to get my health back on track. I need to lose the 7 lbs before I see Dr. Colquitt. Hopefully I can do that on the tread mill while I am over in Morristown. I live in the projects and right now, it's not a good time to be out walking, they like shooting guns a lot lately. I keep my skinny butt inside.
Thank you for your prayers, support, and above all, your friendship. Love Kathy

Thank you Tammy. I am east of knoxville tonight. I see 3 different Dr.'s tomorrow. Hopefully they can do something while I am here. These are my Dr.'s that I didn't change when I moved to Lebanon. I see them every three months. One is my PCP. I am hoping he can put me with a pain clinic that will accept me with my being on Dilada. I've had to be on it for 2.5 years and the ones in the Smyrna and Nashville area won't take me because of the high pain killer, or they will see me after I have neck surgery, and the surgeon won't do the surgery until I am exstablished with a pain clinic.
I'll post tomorrow evening after I see my Dr.'s. Thank you for your prayers. Kathy

Kathy I am thinking of you and I hope things went as you wanted today.
You hang in there honey.... You are strong...and you are going to feel way better soon!!!!

Well I saw my pcp today, he referred me to a pain specialist in this area. Only when I went to get the forms to fill out before they would see me, they asked if I had just had low back surgery. Told them know, but was going to be having neck surgery on the 21st. They informed me that unless I just had lower back surgery they weren't accepting any new patients with medicare or medicaid. That's what I am getting from all the pain clinics. I have to have the surgery first then they will take over my pain management, but my surgeon won't do the surgery unless I am established with a pain clinic first. Catch 22. I see my GI Dr. in the morning regarding my Pancreas. Get this, Since January 1st, I have gained a pound each day. I was holding between 116-120 for a year. Now I am at 128, and all my size 6-8 jeans are cutting me into. Hopefully he will be able to see what is going on before I gain anymore weight. I'll be 2 years old tomorrow. I don't feel strong today, more tired and worn out is more the mood I'm in. Traveling 4 hours yesterday and 4 appointments today, has really taken it's toil on me. At least I only have one appointment tomorrow. None for Thursday, and only one with my therapist on Friday morning. Next week is totally booked. At least I am staying out of trouble. LOL
i'll never be 100% well, not when I have leukemia, so I have my good days and my bad ones. Just depends on what I did the day before. Between the traveling, today would have been a bad day. But with all the appointments, it just made me more tired. I'm not getting in my rest during the day.
Need to go. Take care and always let God travel with you at all times. Love Kathy

Have you ever tried to contact a social worker to see if they can help you...a patient advocate is a good thing...they may be able to point you in the right direction, and this will definitely save you time and energy wasted going to dr's appts just to find out they will not see you...If there is a specific hospital that you go to try to call their social worker to see if they have any ideas. at any rate they should be able to give you names and numbers of people who can help you...this goes beyond the patient care part..they can also help you financially... !! I wish I knew names and numbers for you but rest assured if you look around enough you will find someone who can and will help you!