Special K protien drink mix
Hi Alyssa. Let me just say, that I love your disclaimer about your views. hahaha. You are too funny.
Yes, I tried the Special K protein indvidual size in the mixed berry. I think it was mixed berry. It was ok but I have never like protein powders. This still had a little bit of a proteiny taste to me and was a little pricey. I do think it is good that it has protein in it instead of drinking water without any protein. Let me know if the pink lemonade is good.
159 (current/post-pregnancy)
150 (Goal)
I had tried them, The strawberry Kwawi was ok. Ash bought some for me to try, she thinks ma should try everything. I am not sure if that is such a good thing. She is only trying to help. She has brought some mix 1 home, but they have 15 gram protien, but 22 in sugar, she didn't look at the sugar. Bless her heart she is trying.