I cant take it all in!
I went to my first seminar today! I went to all of them with Cheryl, but I guess when it was for me, things were very different. Scared, ready to take the ball and run. Run with it to the end. I want this for me and I will need all of yours help. Thanks for all the support with Cheryl and cant wait for all this to be behind me.
Good Luck Phil!!! I know that it's scary at first, especially with all that information coming at you at once. But, it will get better. At least you have Cheryl and she has been through this and knows what it's all about and can help you along the way. We will also be here for you too. Keep us posted on where you are on your journey and how things are going for you.
Tammy P
I wish you nothing but the best, Phil. I know the information is overwhelming at first. Just be sure to be very pro-active, and get ready to beat down every door that may potentially close on you in the approval process. You've got a great deal of support on here, and I know Cheryl is there for you too. We've all been there, and know what this is like. We're here for you. Good luck!