Denied (for now)
Well SURPRISE SURPRISE the ins company needs me to submit more documentation...I am going to my PCP monday to see if I can get this resolved...we shall has to do with Dr supervised weight loss program...which i have done...I hope we have enough consecutive visits to please the good ole folks at Humana...I will keep everyone posted...Thanks for all of the well wishes...I needed them (and still do)
Chrissy, I am sorry you were turned down, darn insurance companies. Do whatever they want you to do and I know Dr. Morton's office will help you, they are very good at getting things done. Don't give up it will work out. Like my dad always says "things happen for a reason", I used to hate when he said that but as I got older I realized how true that was. Keep me posted on how you are doing. I actually go to see Dr. Morton Monday at 1:30, it is almost my 2 year anniversary!!!