Numb wrists
Melissa, DH and I both have it, but mine has gotten worse since surgery. We are like Beth said, more so in our fingers, than wrist. DH has allready had the Ulnar release surgery by his elbow and hasn't helped, so I don't want to have it done if it is not going to help. Have you talked to your Dr. about it? Cheryl
Beleive it or not, I've been feeling this lately. I notice it when I wake up in the am...but I think it's the position I'm sleeping in since I have another person in my bed and I don't have the whole bed to myself. I spend much of my time at the pc too at work, so there could be some carpel tunnel or a touch of arthritis. Who knows. I need to consult my dr. and I would say that you should do the same. Just ask the doctor. I'll try to do the same. Following my own advice is always a problem for me! lol.
Cheryl, I keep seeing DH...what is that? Thanks.