2 week Dr appt.
The Dr.s appointment was on Thursday. When I came home I was a little bummed. In the first week, I had lost 19 pounds, the next week, only 6. I was a little disappointed. But after thinking things through and sleeping on it, you know, 6 pounds is not to bad. Could I have lost 6 lbs. in a week before surgery, probably not. So, I'm feeling pretty good about where I am, but also where I am heading!
A year ago at the time, I weighed at the least 355 lbs., now I weigh 274. Whoo Hoo! That's amazing, and life is going to do nothing but get better!
I hope everyone has a great weekend, I know I am!

I'm glad you settled that little discussion with yourself. You are doing great!
FYI - you'll have a better weekend if you let Beth get that puppy. A happy wife means a happy life!
Think of the puppy as a personal trainer.
1. You will have to go for your walks for the sake of the dog.
2. You will get in your toe touches and deep knee bends cleaning up "puppy puddles" and changing papers, at least for a while.
3. You will get in your weight lifting and cardio carrying and playing with the puppy. Not to mention lifting the bags of dog food as the puppy grows.
4. Best of all. You will get daily facials from the warm puppy kisses!
Susan (AKA bilsrib)
300/135/135 - Plastics February 2008 - Dr. Lois Wagstrom
P E A C E - It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.
Congratulations on your weight loss and your new personal trainer! I'm so happy for you on both counts! What kind of puppy is it? Did I mention that I love puppies? We babysat my best friend's pomeranian over the holidays. She was such a pleasure! And Susan is correct...puppies will keep you up and moving around. No blood clots will have time to form when you are training a puppy! Think of it as health insurance!!!!
Big smile!
Freddie (who votes YES for the puppy!)
That is great news Scott! It sounds like you are doing well. Don't be bummed by the 6 lbs. At least you lost, Scott. When I had my 1 wk post-op appointment with my pcp I had gained 5lbs because I was so bloated. Don't worry, your body is in shock and may be rebelling a bit due to what was done to it. But the weight WILL come off. You're very dedicated and know it will come off. Keep up the good work!
Oh, get the puppy! I will gladly volunteer to dog-sit, as I do for my brother and his family all the time. Trust me you will get a lot of physical exercise via puppy time and you'll have a new addition which is the best of all!
Hip Hip hooorah Way to go Scott! Do me a favor ok? Please get rid of your scale deep down in a closet and stop over analyzing your situation....Agree or disagree? you made this life changing experience because you wanted a healthier life? If you answered yes then guess what you have your entire life to do nothing but get better.
Muah so there ya go.....JMO
You should feel on top of the world because you are doing so great.
Cant wait to meet you and your better half