My 5 Week Check-Up With Dr. Dyer...
He said that I was doing real good. I had lost a total of 36 lbs and 21% of my weight so far. He also took some more blood to check my potassium to make sure that it wasn't low. Because it has been a couple weeks since anyone has checked it and he was just being caucious because of before when I ended up in the hospital. I made an appt to go back the 18th for my first fill, I'm excited about that....I have to go at 8:30am to weigh in and then my fill is actually at 9:30.
Thanks guys for listening. Hope everyone has a great weekend.
Tammy P
BTW..Scott...Was Dr. Dyer warmed up for you when you got in to see him for your appt?

Thank you Debbie!!! I will keep you in mind....WOW, 2 years banded that is exciting. Have you had any trouble at all with your band? I'm so excited about getting my first fill on the 18th. I know that's when I'll go back to the liquids and all, that's really what I dread the most, but I do look forward to all aspects of this journey. Thank you for your support.
Tammy P
I am one of he lucky ones that has not had any trouble at all with my band. The only time I have trouble is if it is my fault and I don't chew well enough or take a bigger bite of something or am so hungry that I eat too fast. Looks like you are on your way to a wonderful journey. Keep me posted.