Update on my Uncle
Just wanted to let everyone know that my uncle's surgery went well today. He was in for 4 hours and is doing well. They had to make a larger incision than they had hoped but, hey that will heal up. My mom went in to see him in ICU at 6pm and he was awake, alert, cogniscent and moving all toes and fingers. He knew everyone and made sense when he was talking to them. He told them he felt better than he had in years. I could hear such relief in my moms voice and just wanted to share a little good news with everyone. He is at Baptist in Nashville and they should move him to a regular room tomorrow and should get to come home Saturday or Sunday if all continues to go well. Thank you all for the prayers, just keep saying them that all continues to go well.
Praise God for this, we were all so scared of him having brain surgery and being left in awful shape But I felt so comfortable with all of this when I woke up this morning, I just knew that God was going to make it all go perfect.
God Bless you all