What are the "can't live without items" in your pantry?
For protein drinks chilled coffee splenda packs almond extract boneless chicken tenderloins -- like it with spagetti sause and cheese lots of varieties of South Beach frozen meals to take to work (really good stats on calories/protein content) black bean salsa Kiwi-Strawberry Fulfill drink mixes ( Wal-mart version of Propel) lite string cheese
Just a suggestion to every one I know crystal Lite is good but south beach diet has a drink and so does special K the differences are that they have protein in them so you get the same added flavor with protein...something to think about. They also come in the to go packets.
Any way my favorite things.
1. Cheese Fat free
2. Sour Cream Fat Free
3. Mesquite Chicken Breast sold at SAMS Club
4. Chicken Salad
5. Eggs
6. Weight Loss Quaker Oatmeal
7. Grilled catfish with tarter sauce.
My must haves: Indv. chicken breast Tuna Can chicken Soup SF jello SF pudding Eggs Cheese SF popsicles Lugis SF Italian Ice (Awesome) I haven't tried many of the SF syrups and stuff, hate to but bottles and not like them. Is there somewhere that has samples of these syrups and mixes at resonable prices? As far as protien all I have tried is Whey Choc with skim milk. I for sure need more of a variety of things to try. Any ideas for someone on a small budget? Maybe someone of us could go in together and split some things. Thanks, Cheryl