Dinner Club
Well that stinks! Both the lunch bunch and dinner club are on my work weekends, so I won't be attending either one! I do have some clothes to give away. Maybe I can get them to someone to take or just wait till next month. Hope all have fun.
~~Elena WLS date: May 8, 2007
272/195(pre-preggo)/211(at delivery)/188(current)/140
***Mommy to beautiful baby boy***
Gabriel Skye Dench, 4/30/08, 6lb 6.4oz, 19.5in
Hi Freddie,
Doing pretty good. Been working a lot and Rick's mom was here for Christmas, so haven't been online much. Usually read posts at work, but don't always have time to post myself. I am now officially no longer pregnant in only my boobs! lol I now have a baby bump and am having to wear a belly band with my jeans. Probably going to go buy some clothes (and bras, desparately needed) this weekend.
Feeling pretty good though. Little guy is moving around a lot and growth is on track, even though I still haven't gained any weight.
That's the 411 so far. Hope all is well with you too.

~~Elena WLS date: May 8, 2007
272/195(pre-preggo)/211(at delivery)/188(current)/140
***Mommy to beautiful baby boy***
Gabriel Skye Dench, 4/30/08, 6lb 6.4oz, 19.5in
Sounds like you are both doing very well. Baby is growing and you are still losing. How cool would it be to come out of this pregnancy smaller than when you started?? I believe you will do just that. Nice fat baby and healthy, skinny mama!
Susan (AKA bilsrib)
300/135/135 - Plastics February 2008 - Dr. Lois Wagstrom
P E A C E - It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.