Baptist pics. I'm confused!!!!!!!!!!
I wanted to see if anyone else got this in the mail today. I got a envelope that had a disc in it with a note saying that the DVD for some reason didn't copy and to cash the enclosed $10 check since it didn't work. Well there was no check, I am fixin to see what is on the disc and will let you folks know.
Please contact Cylinda, I rec'd the package and it had the still pictures on the disc, but the DVD of the party is what did not turn out. Cylinda wrote a personal check refunding th $10.00 for the DVD, I am sure it was an honest mistake, just give her a call and she will take care of it for you.

Shelia, I did send Cylinda a e-mail about this. I know that there was so many of these that went out. I checked the disc again and it is blank for sure, no still pic at all. Everyone makes mistakes I know, I just wanted to see if all of them was like the one I got. I'm sure she will make it right for me. Now day's I get confused real easy.....LOL Cheryl