Total UNWRAPPED pounds for Christmas...
Merry Christmas!! We UNWRAPPED... 148 pounds for Christmas! What a way to start the New Year!
In Oct., 6 of us reported in for a total loss of 29 pounds.
In Nov., 18 of us reported in for a total loss of 102 pounds.
In Dec., 17 of us reported in for a total loss of 148 pounds!
That's a grand total of 279 pounds lost since early October! WOW-WEE!
Here are the Dec. participants and their fabulous numbers...
Melissa was our biggest loser with a whoppin' 25 pounds!
Tammy Parker was next in line with a whoppin' 21 pounds!
A big round of applause for everyone else...
every pound lost is at least twice as good as a pound gained! (Don't we wish that meant we could double our totals? ha ha)
Wendy P. - 14
Tawnya (moppie) - 13
Pam E. - 12
Sabrina (Breparis) - 11
Tara - 10
Beth - 10
Birdy - 9
Brenda H. - 8
Freddie - 6
Barb - 4
Juanita - 2
Wendy W. (rescurolf) - 2
Susan J. - 1
Shelia and Sue (susielarry) held steady - way to go, girls!
Those who have not had a chance to report in yet: (just post to this if you get a chance...)
Paul C.
Rob C.