Total UNWRAPPED pounds for Christmas...

Tara S.
on 12/28/07 11:17 pm - Smyrna, TN
Merry Christmas!! We UNWRAPPED... 148 pounds for Christmas! What a way to start the New Year! In Oct., 6 of us reported in for a total loss of 29 pounds. In Nov., 18 of us reported in for a total loss of 102 pounds. In Dec., 17 of us reported in for a total loss of 148 pounds! That's a grand total of 279 pounds lost since early October! WOW-WEE! Here are the Dec. participants and their fabulous numbers... Melissa was our biggest loser with a whoppin' 25 pounds! Tammy Parker was next in line with a whoppin' 21 pounds! A big round of applause for everyone else... every pound lost is at least twice as good as a pound gained! (Don't we wish that meant we could double our totals? ha ha) Wendy P. - 14 Tawnya (moppie) - 13 Pam E. - 12 Sabrina (Breparis) - 11 Tara - 10 Beth - 10 Birdy - 9 Brenda H. - 8 Freddie - 6 Barb - 4 Juanita - 2 Wendy W. (rescurolf) - 2 Susan J. - 1 Shelia and Sue (susielarry) held steady - way to go, girls! Those who have not had a chance to report in yet: (just post to this if you get a chance...) Paul C. Julie_37 Rob C. hotmamawannabe CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!
Darlene H.
on 12/28/07 11:31 pm - Pinson, TN

That is awesome.  You all are such LOSERS.  lol

I look forward to taking away lbs and adding to this total for the next challenge.


Darlene Hughes
     Tangled Lights

on 1/1/08 4:36 am - TN
WOW and CONGRATULATIONS goes out to everyone that participated in this.  What an awesome amount to lose amount ourselves!  WEIGHT TO GO!!! And  Thank You Tara for doing this and giving us such and incentive to do this for ourselves.  You are so appreciated here.  Youre The Best Hope to get with you soon. Hugs, Tammy P
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