Update....GOOD NEWS from my cardiologist
Just wanted all of you to know, I got a clean bill of health today from my cardiologist visit. He stated I was good to go for the WLS. He feels like the error on my stress test will correct itself with my WLS and he will see me in 6 months.
He did tell me to continue to increase my exercise and get the heart rate up as high as I can. However, last night I sprained my ankle, so I am at a little bit of a disadvantage today.
Been out of the loop for the last few days on the forum, as I was visiting my sister in Texas for the holidays. We had a really good visit. I lost 1 lb while I was gone, for the holidays. Can't remember when I last lost any weight during a Christmas holiday. I ate pretty much what I wanted to eat, but also noticed I didn't crave stuff, didn't feel like stuffing myself to be miserable. That is definitely new welcome behavior for me.
Will take time to catch up with everyone else (as I read the latest posts.)