I'm back, been sick, wow moments, holidays, kinda long post

Cheryl P.
on 12/27/07 7:27 am - Antioch, TN
Hello everyone, I'm back from the mountains, it was awesome, the cabin was beautiful. We done the Dollywood thing and enjoyed it so much, we got season passes for next year, so it looks like we will be visting that part of TN alot more. I did get strep throat right before we left, so I was on meds for that. Didn't slow me down too much, I just wish I had felt better. Most of you know that I love and collect teddybears, well I got a total of 11 while I was gone, 5 of those was 50% off, so that was good. Me and DH got new bling, we do everytime we go. It was a great vacation/anniversary/2nd honeymoon trip for sure. Now for my WOW moments, this was the very first time that I have ever been in a hot tub. It was a great experience for me, I didn't even need help to get in and out, DH was always in first and the last to get out just in case I needed help. You know that there is always rocking chairs on the decks of these cabins, well this was the first time that I have been able to fit into them, I couldn't believe it. Now for my not so wow moments. My last band adjustment was on 11/28 ever since then I have had very little restriction and still have very little, so needless to say I have been able to eat more, well I have been. I could have done alot worse, but I did have a couple cups of bolied custard (not sugar free), one night I had part of a baked potato, with my throat hurting, I was eating stuff that made it feel better. Went to Starbuck's several times, but it was always something sugar free. I go back to the Dr on 01/08, scared that I have gained, but if I have I will just have to get over it and go on. My Christmas was the best in a real long time, I finally got to meet all of DH's family, it was funny for the ones that was meeting me for the first time, they didn't know what I looked like before WLS, some of the others that had seen me, was telling them what a big difference there was in me. I of course had all my pics with me, they could not believe that the person in the pics was actually me now. I loved it. Also, another great present was my dog Puddin blessed us with puppies on the 21st which was our anniversary. We was not here, but both of the boys played mid-wive for us. Mom and 4 pups are doing fine, should be ready to sell by Valentine's Day. I guess I have rambled enough, I just wanted to get everyone up to speed on things. I think I am getting this strep throat again, thanks to DH, we are both on meds for now, hopefully we will be better soon. Hope everyone is doing well and staying warm. Cheryl



Darlene H.
on 12/27/07 8:02 am - Pinson, TN

Cheryl, Glad that you had a great time.  We love going to the mountains , but haven't been able to affort it in a few years.  We intend to get a WLS gang together and rent a cabin to defer the cost a little.  Glad that you got some teddy bears and bling is always good.

Congratulations on your wows, that is two of the things I enjoy as well.  I can't stay in the hot tub long because of the neuropathy but I do enjoy the 10 to 15 mins when I do.

As for the not so wows, I will tell you like I told Cindy , we are human and you will do these types of things.  Don't beat yourself up over them.  Own them , admit them and move on to correct them.  If you have gained, then you work on that.


What kind of puppies? like I need another animal, but I just love them and what they add to my life.


We are starting to plan the Losing to Live retreat and will meet at Montgomery Bell State Park on Saturday, January 19, 2008 at 11 am if you are interested.


Glad to have you back and hope you have a wonderful 2008.



Darlene Hughes
     Tangled Lights

Cheryl P.
on 12/27/07 9:12 am - Antioch, TN
Darlene, thanks for all the kind words, they mean a lot to me. That would be awesome if we could get a group together and share the cost of a cabin like you said. As far as the puppies they are 3/4 chihuahua and 1/4 ****zu. They are adorable I will try to post pics soon, we have 4, the pick of the litter is promissed to my son's girlfriend and the other 3 I plan on trying to sell them. I don't have paper's on either, but mom is full blooded. They will be ready real close to Valentine's I am hoping I will have some buyer's, alot of people want small breed dogs. I will check with DH on the Losing2Live date, to see if he has anything going on then, thanks for the info. Cheryl



on 12/27/07 1:07 pm - Memphis, TN


I am interested in the information about the Losing to Live retreat. 

We are starting to plan the Losing to Live retreat and will meet at Montgomery Bell State Park on Saturday, January 19, 2008 at 11 am if you are interested. Can you tell me more about it????  If you want, PM me. Sharon/Memphis


Kathy Newton
on 12/27/07 1:20 pm - LaVergne, TN
Hi Cheryl, congrads on the wow moments. I know how you must have felt being able to sit in the rocking chair.  The first time I sat in a lawn chair and the chair didn't stick to me when I got out of it.  I had to laugh at myself for pure joy.  I love the mountains.  I go over to the other side of Knoxville every three months for various appointments.  I stay with my best friend who lives in the valley surrounded by Clinch Mountain.  Being from West Virginia, I have always found the mountains to be a real source of beauty and peace.  Glad you got to go. Keep up the great work on losing.  I may be interested in one of the pups. Kathy
 Kathy Newton

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