I am ashamed to ask this....
I am ashamed to ask this but I need major help and a lot of prayers. I am two months behind in my rent. If I don't pay $600 plus January's rent by the 7th they will start court proceedings to evict me. I have gone to several churches including my home church in West Virginia, no help. The stress isn't doing my Leukemia any good or the burning ulcer in my pouch. I have to leave on the 7th for the other side of the state for 10 days, then I go into the Baptisit Hospital for neck surgery on the 21st. I have exhausted all leads of trying to get help. I have called various other churches, one is by appointment only and they won't be seeing anyone until the 8th of January and it's only for $100. I have had a constant migrain because of this stress. I don't know what else to do or where to go. I have put it in God's hands, but as it says in the Bible, he helps those who help themselves. There is no way I can pay $900 for Nov. $300, Dec. $300, and Jan. $300 out of my disability checks. I tried to pay some on it in December but they wouldn't take it as I have to have the entire amount. They told me they won't accept January's either unless it's for the full amount. Mom says to let Title Max take my van and that would save me $200 a month. There's just a little problem, then I would have no way to go see my grandsons, go to the laundry mat, the store, and it has my lift in it to haul my scooter around. The VA had the lift installed in September for my scooter.
If you have any advice or know where I can get the help I need, please let me know.
Thanks, Kathy

Can you move?....... As for your Van..... you NEED your van. You might qualify for the Medicaid Waver. PM me.... and we will put our heads together and see what we can do. You can always go to a Nursing Home until you can take care of yourself. I KNOW you don't want to even consider that...another option would be an assistive living facility. You are gonna need help for a while after your surgery. There are GREAT agencies in and near Nashville that assist people with disabilities.
Since you are on disability you should qualify.... I will do whatever I can to help you.
Big (((HUGS)))
Work like you don't need the money......