Wrong Choices and Chuck
Dear Scott
first off i wanted to say thank you for dealing with my impromptu call the morning of your surgery and i am excited that you are headed in the losing direction ......as far as my heading on this post well lately i have made some wrong choices ..mind you not in everything but in things i know better and should stay away from even tho my body has deemed it feesible to eat they are wrong choices none the less then of course there is chuck who has been my barometer need i go into detail with that lol i beat myself mentally everytime i make a wrong choice or i don't chew my brains out and chuck arrives on the scene to make his ugly appearance and then i hurt so bad that i don't want anything else all day i am in this trial by fire mode i am 15 months out and i feel like i am in a lull please help and please tell me i am not failing the cause ..love you all Cindy
Hi Cindy, I'm almost 2 yrs out and I make wrong decisions often but that's how we learn. You aren't a failure as long as you are losing, walking or working out, getting in your protein, and your fluids. I'm a failure on the getting in my protein, and fluids. But I have other health problems that right now about the only thing that doesn't hurt my pouch, is milk. I'll keep you in my prayers that you will be able to your way back to the program.

Hey Cindy!
Not to worry sweet girlie! The fact that you realize you are making bad choices is half the battle! You know the problem and the beautiful part is that you know how to fix it! You have the power!!! Grab onto some delicious protein and make it right! Are you still exercising? Remember that not only does it help us get some of the fluff gone but is also wonderful for stress! I love walking around my neighborhood and saying good morning to everyone. It is such a "feel good" thing to do!
You can do this. You have the tool, you know the routine...just jump in with both feet and do it! Let us know how you are progressing, ok?
Supportive smile!
As long as we live we will make bad choices unfortunately that is part of being human. The only way we fail is if we don't learn from those bad choices. Make an effort to wake up the next day and do the right thing and if you don't then start out again. You will do no good beating yourself up, just acknowledge that you have made a mistake , try to do better and go on.
Good luck