One step closer
Chrissy, thanks for the comment on the pic. As far as the meeting, there is a support group that meets the 2nd Thursday of each month @ 5:30 it is right there in the office with Dr. Morton. I agree that staff is awesome, Amy handled my insurance and approval and dates and stuff. Dr. Morton will meet with you a couple of weeks before your date and explain everything that he will be doing and what to expect. He usually meets with a few of his patients that are having surgery around the same time. After this meeting he will talk to each one indvidually if you have questions that you might not feel comfortable with asking in front of others. He will also see you the morning of your surgery and tell you again what to expect. He is awesome, I would highly recommend him and his staff to anyone and have. I hope you can make the meeting next week, this will be my first one, so don't fell bad, we can be the newbies to the group together. I also, hope that you can join me and others on the board at our monthly get togethers, they are awesome and everyone is out of this world. So if you have any concerns, questions, good, bad, we are here for you. Feel free to PM if you need to talk. Hope you have a great day. Cheryl