Dr. Appointment
Well I had my 1 week check up today! The best thing was getting my drain out! I felt like Scarface and immediately broke out with..."Say goodbye to my little friend!" Anyway, the appointment went very well. As my last post said, when I checked in the hospital, I weighed 298.9, this morning I weighed 279.5. That would be a total of 19 lbs.!!!!!!! I'm a little floored. With such success, I have been elevated to the "FULL LIQUID PHASE". Can I get an AMEN from somebody?
Christmas went extremely well. I think this was the first time there was desserts left!!! Beth, RJ, and I had a great Christmas, and are looking forward to 2008 being the best yet! Demonic forces are at work, so please keep us in your prayers. I will be picking up a 2nd job sometime next month just to try and make ends meet. Or at least meeting a little closer.
Anyway, I am going to post a photo of Beth, Melissa, and myself on my profile. We decided to take a picture every time we are together. The 3 LOSERS!
Have a great day!