Christmas Reflections
A few thoughts of my own reflecting today... I hope and pray that each of you had a wonderful, joy and peace filled Christmas... though I did not post, I did check in and think of you all... we were very busy this holiday wrapping presents til very late on Christmas Eve. Tim & I spent the Christmas morning unwrapping presents, doing a few things around the house before leaving for family visits, and Santa came sometime but I am unsure of just when it was.... he snuck in when I wasn't looking.
I was totally overwhelmed... last year I was a size 18-20, down from a 22-24. This year I proudly wore "the dress" presented to me last year by my parents... the one that I have tried on every month after wls. I last tried it in September but my tummy was still too swollen after my tummy tuck. I forgot about it, tucked away in the closet, and came across it last week. I suprised my parents, and everyone else in the family, when I wore the red dress to our family get together. I will post the pictures later. This was a Christmas to remember. So many times people take life for granted. To me, my life has just begun. I spent the first Christmas with a boyfriend. I actually joined his family Christmas gathering, something I have always dreamed of doing with a boyfriend but never had a chance. Tim mentioned last night on our way home how quiet I was..., (yes you all know somethin's up when Melinda gets quiet!) And wanted to know what was going on in my head. I reflected how special the day had been... more "firsts" to add to my list of things I have done in life that I haven't done before.
There will come a time when you will meet your goal... to the point where you won't know what to do anymore as you are so goal oriented on losing weight... but when you don't need to lose weight anymore (strange to say, huh?) the scale victories come to a halt. Oh yes you will still get on the scale... hoping that you are maintaining YOUR magic number.... But as far as it going down, down, down, that won't' be necessary any longer. You will wonder "what now?" Your focus of losing, losing, losing weight will change... but let me just say, the thoughts, the emotions, the non scale victories and wow moments don't stop... sure, they may be fewer and far between... but inside of each of us is a recovering fatty (I hope this term doesn't offend anyone... I use it to refer to myself often)... our minds are being renewed and transformed each day (to borrow a scripture), and we are relearning how to think, act and feel as a skinny person... no longer morbidly obese... we can fit into restaurant booths, regular size clothes (tossed the plus size long ago)... bend over to tie our shoes, cross our legs like a lady, walk up SEVERAL flights of steps and not be out of breath, the list goes on and on...
The moral of all my ramblings.....? LIFE IS GOOD.... Savor each moment.
Oh Melinda! You hit the nail on the head!!!! I am down from a 38+ in skirts to a 22-24 and feel wonderful and it was a great feeling to have the IL's who had not seen my in months comment hpw good I looked. Even the ones who have seen me commented. It was a wonderful day of firsts. I am so happy for you and Tim. I am glad that you had such a wonderful peace filled day, that's what it should be all about. Have a fantastic New Year!
You are so right Melinda. I think of where I used to be and want to cry, I was told yesterday by an uncle that I looked so Different. Is that good? LOL I think he meant it in a good way though. I still am amazed at the room I have when I sit in a booth at restuarant. I used to struggle getting in and out of those things and now I have room to spare. It all still feels so strange. But I have to agree Life is so much better now.
Juanita, Yes you look so different! You look fabulouso! That is a GREAT WONDERFUL TERRIFIC THING! Better yet, you are different... your body works better than it ever has, you have more energy, your health is better, your mental and emotional and self views of who you are have changed a lot, I'm quite certain, even though we've never discussed it... WLS has done wonders for us all....